How to Identify Which Business Processes to Automate?

While there’s plenty of opportunities for automation, many are reluctant to embrace it, somewhat worried that they themselves will be replaced...

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Staff Augmentation Explained: Is It Right for Your Business?

Business operations have never been more dynamic, and this trend is undoubtedly on the rise. To prevent their business from suffering, companies often need to react swiftly and decidedly in the face of challenges.

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6 Easy Steps to Seamless Type Sharing with NestJS, GraphQL, and TypeScript

Today, we'll guide you through an exciting journey that explores how to seamlessly integrate TypeScript with NestJS and GraphQL.

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Easily Create QR Codes With Our QR Code Library and Laravel

Creating QR Codes using the 2amigos/qrcode-library is a straightforward process. In this post, we'll walk you through the exact steps.

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What Is a Fractional CTO and Do You Need One?

As the name suggests, fractional CTOs handle only a fraction of responsibilities, focusing on specific areas and requirements.

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Securing Your Business: A Guide to Data Security for Non-IT Enterprises

While many assume that only IT-focused companies need to worry about safeguarding their data, the truth is that cyber threats can impact organizations across various industries.

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Why Digital Transformation Matters

“The Internet has changed everything.” We often hear this statement, despite the fact that we moved our businesses, social lives and shopping online a long time ago. We live in a digital world, and stating the obvious seems unnecessary.

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UX Must Be Intuitive! But... What About Innovative? - Featured Image
Web Development

UX Must Be Intuitive! But... What About Innovative?

Intuitive design leverages users’ instincts and prior knowledge to create familiar and easy-to-use interfaces.

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Project Management

What Is a Fractional CTO and Do You Need One?

As the name suggests, fractional CTOs handle only a fraction of responsibilities, focusing on specific areas and requirements.

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What Is a Fractional CTO and Do You Need One? - Featured Image
Securing Your Business: A Guide to Data Security for Non-IT Enterprises - Featured Image
Digital Transformation

Securing Your Business: A Guide to Data Security for Non-IT Enterprises

While many assume that only IT-focused companies need to worry about safeguarding their data, the truth is that cyber threats can impact organizations across various industries.

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Staffing & Recruiting Revolutionizing the Hiring Experience! is an efficient, risk-free hiring platform created to make the recruitment process easier for both companies and job seekers.

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Why Digital Transformation Matters - Featured Image
Project Management

Why Digital Transformation Matters

“The Internet has changed everything.” We often hear this statement, despite the fact that we moved our businesses, social lives and shopping online a long time ago. We live in a digital world, and stating the obvious seems unnecessary.

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What is all about?

We’re counting days until goes live and we’re excited to see so many experts and companies join our waiting list!

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Building a language interpreter in JavaScript - Bonus Part: Featured Image
Dev Tips & Tricks

Building a language interpreter in JavaScript - Bonus Part

Welcome to the bonus part of the JavaScript interpreter. We have finished with our interpreter implementation using pure JavaScript and we got the printly running.

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Dev Tips & Tricks

Building a language interpreter in JavaScript - Part 3

Welcome to part 3 of building an interpreter in pure JavaScript. This is the final part of a journey to build an interpreter in pure JavaScript. In this part, we will use the statement structure we designed and interpret it to make our language perform some actual work.

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Building a language interpreter in JavaScript - Part 3: Featured Image
Building a language interpreter in JavaScript - Part 2 - Featured Image
Dev Tips & Tricks

Building a language interpreter in JavaScript - Part 2

A parser is an algorithm that receives the tokens, runs them against the language's grammar, and makes sense of them. In the end, we get a nice array of structured statements which we can easily parse and make use of in our interpreter.

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